I am trying to add HTTPS support to an existing web server written in Delphi XE7 using Indy. I have written a simple application which just returns a date/time stamp on each HTTPS request.
I added handlers to the OnCommandGet
and OnException
procedure TForm13.HTTPServerCommandGet(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);
AResponseInfo.ContentText := DateTimeToStr(Now());
AResponseInfo.ContentEncoding := 'utf8';
Log('Request: %s', [ARequestInfo.URI]);
procedure TForm13.HTTPServerException(AContext: TIdContext; AException: Exception);
Log('Exception raised %s:%s', [AException.ClassName, AException.Message]);
Bindings code:
with HTTPServer do
with Bindings.Add() do
IP := '';
Port := 443;
Active := true;
When I perfrom a request from a browser, in most cases I get this:
12.03.2019 0:50:29 Exception raised EIdConnClosedGracefully:Connection Closed Gracefully. 12.03.2019 0:50:29 Exception raised EIdConnClosedGracefully:Connection Closed Gracefully. 12.03.2019 0:50:30 Request: / 12.03.2019 0:50:30 Exception raised EIdConnClosedGracefully:Connection Closed Gracefully. 12.03.2019 0:50:30 Request: /favicon.ico 12.03.2019 0:51:00 Exception raised EIdSocketError:Socket Error # 10060 Connection timed out.
It serves the request and the browser shows the timestamp. But why does a graceful connection close raise an exception?
What bothers me more is that sometimes after 30 seconds after the last request, I get another exception, like this:
12.03.2019 1:44:53 Exception raised EIdConnClosedGracefully:Connection Closed Gracefully. 12.03.2019 1:44:53 Exception raised EIdConnClosedGracefully:Connection Closed Gracefully. 12.03.2019 1:44:53 Request: / 12.03.2019 1:44:54 Exception raised EIdConnClosedGracefully:Connection Closed Gracefully. 12.03.2019 1:44:54 Request: /favicon.ico 12.03.2019 1:45:24 Exception raised EIdOSSLAcceptError:Error accepting connection with SSL. EOF was observed that violates the protocol
It happens randomly, sometimes it is a timeout, sometimes this one. This looks wrong for me. Any ideas why this happens?
PS: In Delphi 10.3 it happens the same way as in Delphi XE7, so probably all Indy versions are affected.
is not a valid value for theAResponseInfo.ContentEncoding
property. If you want the text to be UTF-8 encoded, you need to set theAResponseInfo.CharSet
property instead. – Remy LebeauBindings
collection. Are you making the server listen on port 80 or 443? Do you have anOnQuerySSLPort
event handler assigned? The symptoms you describe are caused by the client disconnecting on its end. TheEIdConnClosedGracefully
is perfectly normal, just ignore it. It means the client disconnected in between requests. The EOF error means the client disconnected in the middle of the SSL/TLS handshake. – Remy LebeauSSLIOHandler
that you have assigned to the server? – Remy Lebeau