I have deployed Kafka as a statefulset with zookeeper configured as leader selector, a headless service. Kafka is running absolutely fine as expected. However I am facing issues while configuring Istio to access kafka.
$ kubectl get pods -owide | grep -i kafka
kafka-mon-0 1/1 Running 0 3d1h <IP>
$ kubectl get svc -owide | grep -i kafka
kafka-mon-http LoadBalancer <IP> <Ext-IP> 8080:30875/TCP app=kafka-mon
kafka-mon-svc ClusterIP None <none> 8080/TCP app=kafka-mon
If I configure Istio with Kakfa LoadBalancer Service, I am able to access the UI. However, if I use a headless service, then The UI itself is not accessible. I have tested with different other services as well, same is the case.
$ kubectl get gateway,virtualservice | grep -i kafka
gateway.networking.istio.io/kafka-mon-gateway 4h
virtualservice.networking.istio.io/kafka-mon-vservice 4h
Istio works perfectly if Virtualservice configured with Load Balancer service, but not with the headless service. Please help me figure out the issue.
For Istio, I have deployed a Gateway router as internal-ingressgateway with http port- 80, https port-443 & A virtualservice with routing destination host as the Kafka-headless-service, It doesnt work, but it works if routing destination host is configured as Load Balancer service.
I am not able to troubleshoot the issue. Please suggest.
kubectl get endpoints
for your service to check if the necessary route is created from service to backends – fatcook