
I have deployed Kafka as a statefulset with zookeeper configured as leader selector, a headless service. Kafka is running absolutely fine as expected. However I am facing issues while configuring Istio to access kafka.

    $ kubectl get pods -owide | grep -i kafka
     kafka-mon-0   1/1     Running   0        3d1h    <IP>  

    $ kubectl get svc -owide | grep -i kafka
     kafka-mon-http      LoadBalancer   <IP>  <Ext-IP>    8080:30875/TCP  app=kafka-mon
     kafka-mon-svc       ClusterIP      None  <none>      8080/TCP    app=kafka-mon

If I configure Istio with Kakfa LoadBalancer Service, I am able to access the UI. However, if I use a headless service, then The UI itself is not accessible. I have tested with different other services as well, same is the case.

$ kubectl get gateway,virtualservice  | grep -i kafka

gateway.networking.istio.io/kafka-mon-gateway   4h
virtualservice.networking.istio.io/kafka-mon-vservice   4h

Istio works perfectly if Virtualservice configured with Load Balancer service, but not with the headless service. Please help me figure out the issue.

For Istio, I have deployed a Gateway router as internal-ingressgateway with http port- 80, https port-443 & A virtualservice with routing destination host as the Kafka-headless-service, It doesnt work, but it works if routing destination host is configured as Load Balancer service.

I am not able to troubleshoot the issue. Please suggest.

Have you added a selector on your headless service to point to your backend pods, check kubectl get endpoints for your service to check if the necessary route is created from service to backendsfatcook
Also, take a look at this github issue (github.com/istio/istio/issues/5005), it seems it is still not fixed.mjkool
Hi @fatcook, I had verified that already. Headless service is pointing to the exact pods, it should refer to. the endpoints are same as the pod ips. My issue is, I am not getting any exception to verify for this.Himansu

1 Answers


I had this issue and I fixed it by adding a Service Entry. When we use a headless svc, istio is not sure where to direct the traffic to. U can add something similiar to below.

apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: ServiceEntry
  name: kafka-se
  namespace: <If any namespace>
  - kafka.default.svc.cluster.local
  location: MESH_INTERNAL
  - name: grpc
    number: 5445
    protocol: TCP
  resolution: DNS