
how do i insert multiple rows in arangodb with UPSERT? Collection contains a unique index which prevent insert duplicate documents. multiple insert work fine without unique index, but how can i handle update/replace in multiple insert with unique index?

like this:

INSERT [{doc1},{doc2},{doc3}]
IN collection

UPDATE {} // when duplicate per document

Update 1

SQL look like this:

INSERT INTO table(name, value)
VALUES('a', '1'), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)



Have you tried using UPSERT as described in the ArangoDB documentation? Is there any specific problem? Can you add more details about what kind of query did you use and what error do you get?Peter Liapin
No problem if i use single row insert, i'm try to use UPSERT with multiple rows insert. as sample code in question, if i use sql it may look like this: ` INSERT INTO table(name, value) VALUES('a', '1'), ('b', 2), ('c', 4) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name="value" `Ata amini

1 Answers


ArangoDB supports UPSERT operation: https://docs.arangodb.com/3.3/AQL/Operations/Upsert.html

From ArangoDB documentation:

When using the UPDATE variant of the upsert operation, the found document will be partially updated, meaning only the attributes specified in updateExpression will be updated or added. When using the REPLACE variant of upsert, existing documents will be replaced with the contexts of updateExpression.

You can use UPSERT to update/replace/insert multiple records as following:

Let's insert few sample documents into your collection with the unique hash index for name attribute first:

FOR doc in [
    { "name": "Doc 1", "value": 1 }, 
    { "name": "Doc 2", "value": 1 }, 
    { "name": "Doc 3", "value": 1 }]

INSERT doc IN collection

Now if you want to perform a batch upsert you can run the following AQL:

FOR doc in [
    { "name": "Doc 2", "value": 2 }, 
    { "name": "Doc 3", "value": 2 },
    { "name": "Doc 4", "value": 1 }

UPSERT { "name": doc.name }


UPDATE { "value": doc.value } in collection

AQL query above inserts one new Doc 4 document and updates value attribute for the Doc 2 and Doc 3.