In my MainWindow I have a toolbar with a series of buttons. Each button displays an icon which is a vector image converted from Inkscape in the form:
<Geometry .../>
All the icons are stored in a ResourceDictionary:
<DataTemplate x:Key="myIcon">
<Geometry .../>
and assigned to the relevant button through a ContentPresenter:
<Button x:Name="myButton">
<myDependencyProperties:EnhancedTooltip Header="Main" Style="{StaticResource EnhancedTooltip}" Content="Main Page"/>
<ContentPresenter ContentTemplate="{StaticResource myIcon}"/>
My Enhanced Tooltip control should display, among others, the icon of the parent button (as it's the case for some buttons within MS Office Ribbon). I've tried a few ways to bind the content of the tooltip, adding a label or a button and binding its content to the one of the button, like in:
<ContentPresenter ContentTemplate="{Binding Path=ManyDifferentAttempts, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Button}}}"/>
No need to say that I failed. I also tried to assign the icon to the button through styles as in:
<Button x:Name="myButton">
<myDependencyProperties:EnhancedTooltip Header="Main" Style="{StaticResource EnhancedTooltip}" Content="Main Page"/>
<ContentControl Style="{StaticResource myIcon}"/>
where the icons are of course stored as Styles:
<Style x:Key="myIcon" TargetType="ContentControl">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="ContentControl">
<Geometry .../>
and added a Content Control (label or button) to the EnhancedTooltip to mimic the parent button behaviour by binding its ContentPresenter Style to the one of the parent button. Without any success.
I could easily reach my goal when I used an image (png) as the icon for my button:
<Button x:Name="myButton">
<myDependencyProperties:EnhancedTooltip Header="Main" Style="{StaticResource EnhancedTooltip}" Content="Main Page"/>
<Image Source="PathToMyPNGImage"/>
and, in my EnhancedTooltip style:
<Image Source="{Binding Path=Content.Source, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Button}} }"/>
How can I reach the same result now that I decided to use a vector image instead? I can easily go back to the previous approach, but I'd like to learn something new.
Thank you for your time.