I am passing params to a named route from a component:
:to="{name: 'team', params: {
id: team.id,
name: team.name
The route is sett up likes so:
path: "/team",
name: "team",
component: TeamInfo,
props: {
id: true,
name: true
But the component does not render the props when referenced:
<p>{{ id }}</p>
import TeamService from '@/services/TeamService';
export default {
props: ['id', 'name'],
data: () => ({
players: [],
games: []
mounted() {
The log in the mounted method returns undefined
However when I look in Vue dev-tools at the TeamInfo
component I can see that both props are undefined but the params are populated.
I would like to be able to use the props in the component and also populate the URL with the team ID.