
I am trying to set up a shopping based UI for different screen sizes.In the canvas settings inside the Inspector I have given a reference resolution of 750 x 1334(Iphone 6)

UI scale mode - Scale with screen size Match(Width-Height) - 0.5 (Which I change to one can see them in the images)

Somehow I placed the Images and text according to given design.It looks ok in the Iphone resolution.But in Ipad the buttons and text gets mixed up. Now I change the Match(Width-Height) - 1 .The result is it looks okay but in the ipad view it looks small and there is plenty of space along the two sides. How to get a matching view/look for all the different screen sizes.

Images are given below Match given as 0.5

Match given as 1


1 Answers


Actually, u don't need to change the match size.

what u actually have to use are anchors. If u use anchors no matter how the size of the screen changes the UI element will resize with it.

see this video from unity officials. It will definitely solve ur issue.


thank you. U can accept this answer if this solves ur issue.