I have already asked about vector fields in here. Now I want to know a bit more about it.
How can I make it so that each arrow has the same fixed length and define the magnitude of the value by color?
And is it still not possible to plot streamlines in gnuplot? If possible, how can I do that?
For now I have this and need to upgrade it.
set term pngcairo
set title 'Navier-Stokes Equation'
set terminal png size 1280,720
set output 'vec.png'
plot 'vec' u 1:2:($3/$5):($4/$5) w vec t 'Vector Field'
Thanks to @theozh I've got what I wanted. I want to share my result as it could be useful for someone else. Now I use these instructions to plot my vector field.
reset session
set size square
set palette rgb 33, 15, 10
set term pngcairo
set title 'Navier-Stokes Equation'
set terminal png size 1280, 720
set output 'vec.png'
plot 'vec.dat' u 1:2:(0.08*$3):(0.08*$4):(sqrt($3**2+$4**2)) w vec lw 2 lc palette notitle
. – theozh