
We are using an Azure CDN with pricing tier Standard Microsoft. It's using our site as a "custom origin" so we need to make sure that the CDN server has access to this site.

My question is: what are the IP addresses that this CDN server could use? (And therefore, we should add to our whitelist.)

I have found this link, but it applies only to Verizon servers, not to "Standard Microsoft" servers: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cdn/cdn-pop-list-api

I also found this list of Microsoft Azure Datacenter IP Ranges, but it doesn't seem to be the appropriate list either: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=41653

A third thing that we tried, is using Azure's "Service Tag" source with "AzureCloud.WestEurope" in our NSG, but this doesn't seem to work either.


3 Answers


Azure CDN from Microsoft's IPv4 backend IP space:




Unfortunately, Azure CDN from Standard Microsoft has not disclosed the POP IP address, currently. It seems that POP location gradually expands more regions. Refer to this blog. These POP edge sites location is not exactly the same as the Azure datacenter location.

enter image description here

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Nope, that's not available yet. Only Verizon and Akami were the old CDN providers and they are available. For the latest updates, I would recommend opening a support ticket with our Microsoft Azure Storage and CDN team. They will have a crisp answer and about it's availability.