I am currently working on writing two functions that will be used to return lists of all distinct terminals that appear in a given grammar.
Here is the type for Grammar :
data Grammar = Grammar [Prod]
deriving (Show, Eq)
Here is what I have so far :
terminals :: Grammar -> [String]
terminals ts = nub [ x | x <-ts]
nonterms :: Grammar -> [String]
nonterms nt = nub [ x | x <- nt]
Where the grammar that is being placed into the function would be something like this (3 Examples) :
g4 = "P -> true ; P -> false; P -> not P ; P -> P and P"
g5 = "P -> P & N; P -> N; N -> ~ N; N -> t"
g6 = "P -> N & P; P -> N; N -> ~ N; N -> t"
However though, the functions that I am using do not work because GHCI could not match expected type ‘[String]’ with actual type ‘Grammar’.
I am going off of the basic principles of Context-free grammars (CFGs), that a context-free grammar is
G = (T,N,P,S)
Where T is a set T of terminal symbols ("tokens"), a set N of nonterminal symbols, a set P of productions, and a start symbol S.
How could I use / write two functions that could return lists of all the distinct terminals (respectively nonterminals) that appear in a given grammar. Three examples of grammars above. Thank you.
isn't a type that's built in to Haskell. Please post its definition. – Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica