I have two tables (CompletedJobs & ScriptDetails) and using DAX, I want to return distinct Names that appear in CompletedJobs that do not appear in ScriptDetails.
Here is my SQL Query. Works and return values.
Select Distinct CJ.[Name]
From CompletedJobs CJ
Left Join ScriptDetails SD
ON CJ.[Name]=SD.ActivityName
Where SD.ActivityName IS NULL
I started with creating the following DAX query, but just doing this, I get the following error message:
"A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected"
AdhocJobs = DISTINCT(UNION(SELECTCOLUMNS(CompletedJobs,"Name",CompletedJobs[Name]),SELECTCOLUMNS(ScriptDetails,"Name",ScriptDetails[ActivityName])))
How do I create a DAX query that would replicate the SQL query?