Sub Calculate_NNA_NMEXRegionUnits_Pacific()
Dim a, rand, AsInteger As Integer
For a = 8 To 42
Cells(26, a) = Round(Cells(27, a) * Cells(27, 7) * (Cells(22, 2) - Cells(22, 3) - Cells(20, 7)), 0)
Next a
I'm making a program that performs a set of calculation on a range (26,a). The formula data type is variant/integer, while the data type on the range is variant/object/range. I am curious if I can ensure both sides of this equation are the same data type, I was looking at ways to change the formula, I've also worked with type conversion formulas. I have not been successful. I am asking for assistance to prevent a Type mismatch from occurring on row 4 so my code can proceed.
rand = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(9, 27) 'Excludes base trim in random addition because of restrictions
If Cells(27, rand) = 0 Then
GoTo rerand1 'Wont change a 0 value, because it might be intentionally zero.
If Cells(26, 7) < Cells(22, 2) - (Cells(22, 3) + Cells(20, 7)) Then Cells(26, rand) = Cells(26, rand) + 1 'If there is less than the total, add.
If Cells(26, 7) > Cells(22, 2) - (Cells(22, 3) + Cells(20, 7)) Then Cells(26, rand) = Cells(26, rand) - 1 'If there is more than the total, subtract.
End If
End If
End Sub
This is the next step of my code if it is needed to solve the problem
rand=clng(Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(9, 27) )
Not sure whatDim a, rand, AsInteger As Integer
is meant to do, you have a variable called AsInteger, which is the only one declared As Integer. – Nathan_Sav