I'm new with CloudWatch Logs Insights, and I cant figure out how to aggregate data by time range with 3 columns.
The log file I want to parse is json formatted :
{'ts': '12:01:00', 'method':'GET', 'url':'aaaa'}
{'ts': '12:02:00', 'method':'GET', 'url':'aaab'}
{'ts': '12:03:00', 'method':'POST', 'url':'aaac'}
{'ts': '12:04:00', 'method':'GET', 'url':'aaad'}
{'ts': '12:05:00', 'method':'POST', 'url':'aaae'}
{'ts': '12:06:00', 'method':'GET', 'url':'aaaf'}
{'ts': '12:07:00', 'method':'POST', 'url':'aaag'}
As you can see, each event line is a POST or a GET. Each event is also time stamped.
I want to use Insights to Visualize GET and POST distribution over time in a 5mn window.
I cant find the correct syntax to have such result in the Query monitor :
# : ts : NbGET : NbPOST
1 : 12:00:00 : 3 : 1
3 : 12:05:00 : 1 : 2
With such results, I would be able to draw a graph with the two extracted metrics 'GET' and 'POST' .
Any idea how to achieve this ?