
I'm working on a WordPress plugin which allows me to choose the proper upload folder regarding the custom post type, taxonomies terms and the title.

I can grab each kind of data when the post is saved, no problem. But how to grab for example a title of a post which hasn't been published?

I tried $_POST, by adding first a name in the title textarea field of WordPress (because it hasn't one) but this totally broke my upload filter with an internal error 500.

I have a partially working code. In a PHP file, I'm enqueuing this Ajax script:

function get_unposted_post_title( $hook ) {
    if ( ($hook == 'post-new.php') || ($hook == "post.php" && $_GET['action'] == "edit") ) {
        echo "<script>
            function posturl(title, url) {
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: url,
                    data: title,
                    success: function(title, url) {
            setInterval( function() {
                var title = $('#post-title-0').val();
                var url = '" .GIA_PLUGIN_URL. "test.php';
                posturl(title, url);
            }, 5000);
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'get_unposted_post_title', 10, 1 );

Then, in the root of my plugin, I have created a test.php file:

    $keys = array_keys($_POST);
    if(isset($keys) && !empty($keys[0])) {
        print_r( $keys[0] );

This function displays the updated title in the console.log as expected.

However, I'm unable to grab $keys[0] without making the upload filter crashed. Uploaded files are properly moved with the updated path of my filter, except for the last folder which must have a sanitized version of the post title. I'm hooking into wp_handle_upload_prefilter and wp_handle_upload.

If you look at the provided code, I should be able to grab keys[0]... but the problem is that keys[0] give me 'name'... keys[1] give me 'action', keys[2] give me 'wp_nonce'. I don't know why I can't grab keys[0] correctly, it seems that $keys of my test.php isn't updated with a proper value for the key 0.

This sounds kinda funny to have such comments, when I basically started from the point 0 (Ajax is an unknown world yet). Whatever, I have advanced a bit with other forums and I can now to says that Ajax is the solution. That was the starting point, but none of you seems to care. Now, I have accomplished half of the work, with a function that works partially (see updated OP with code).Alexandre Mark

1 Answers


Why using Ajax if you can use direct MySQLI using the wp_db ?

You can retrieve it the same way as you currently doing it with published one. If you grab it using MySQLI, there is a column called "post_status"
