New to Typescript and have most of my errors resolved, but I'm not sure what to do about this one. Given this component...
const CurrentUser: React.SFC = props => (
<Query {...props} query={CURRENT_USER_QUERY}>
{payload => props.children(payload)}
I'm seeing these errors. I don't understand how children could ever be null or undefined. Aren't they guaranteed if the object is an SFC? How do I resolve this?
Cannot invoke an object which is possibly 'null' or 'undefined'
Update 3/3/2019
Because of BlackICE's comment, I eventually realized that I needed to check that children exists before I invoke it. Duh! But now I have a different problem
Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature. Type 'string | number | true | {} | ReactElement | ReactNodeArray | ReactPortal' has no compatible call signatures.
after the name of children property on props means it can be null. – BlackICE<CurrentUser />
it could be, but since this is a render prop, that should never be. Any idea how to fix this? – Chris Geirman