
I am new to Android development and I can't understand how to properly turn all ble notifications and get all of them.

I've tried to loop through all services

for(BluetoothGattService service : gatt.getServices()){
            if( service.getUuid().equals(Step_UUID)) {
                BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristicData = service.getCharacteristic(Step_UUID);
                for (BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor : characteristicData.getDescriptors()) {
                    descriptor.setValue( BluetoothGattDescriptor.ENABLE_INDICATION_VALUE);
                gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(characteristicData, true);

but I don't get any notifications back. Please, help I do not understand what I am doing wrong..


Right now I use this method to enable notifications after services are discovered:

public void setCharacteristicNotification(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic, boolean enabled) {

        // Setting default write type according to CDT 222486

        String serviceUUID = characteristic.getService().getUuid().toString();
        String serviceName = GattAttributes.lookupUUID(characteristic.getService().getUuid(), serviceUUID);

        String characteristicUUID = characteristic.getUuid().toString();
        String characteristicName = GattAttributes.lookupUUID(characteristic.getUuid(), characteristicUUID);

        String descriptorUUID = GattAttributes.CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIG;
        String descriptorName = GattAttributes.lookupUUID(UUIDDatabase.UUID_CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIG, descriptorUUID);

        if (characteristic.getDescriptor(UUID.fromString(GattAttributes.CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIG)) != null) {
            if (enabled == true) {
                BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor = characteristic.getDescriptor(UUID.fromString(GattAttributes.CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIG));
                boolean aaa = mBluetoothGatt.writeDescriptor(descriptor);

                aaa = mBluetoothGatt.writeDescriptor(descriptor);
                aaa = false;
            } else {
                BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor = characteristic.getDescriptor(UUID.fromString(GattAttributes.CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIG));


        boolean aaaa = mBluetoothGatt.setCharacteristicNotification(characteristic, enabled);
        aaaa = false;


The problem is that first characteristic notifies well, but all others I am trying to enable fails on the line


Don't know what to do...

In your code you enable indications, but you said you wanted notifications? Also you can only have one outstanding GATT operation at a time (see your writeDescriptor calls). You need to wait for onDescriptorWrite before continuing.Emil
You can only have one outstanding GATT operation at a time (see your writeDescriptor calls). You need to wait for onDescriptorWrite before continuing. If you don't do that, writeDescriptor will return false.Emil
Emil thank you for giving the key!user3828374

1 Answers


My problem was resolved by overiding onDescriptorWrite method. I made a flag inside, and if it is true I continue to notify all left characteristics.

@Override public void onDescriptorWrite(BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor, int status) { String serviceUUID = descriptor.getCharacteristic().getService().getUuid().toString(); String serviceName = GattAttributes.lookupUUID(descriptor.getCharacteristic().getService().getUuid(), serviceUUID);

        String characteristicUUID = descriptor.getCharacteristic().getUuid().toString();
        String characteristicName = GattAttributes.lookupUUID(descriptor.getCharacteristic().getUuid(), characteristicUUID);

        String descriptorUUID = descriptor.getUuid().toString();
        String descriptorName = GattAttributes.lookupUUID(descriptor.getUuid(), descriptorUUID);

        if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
            written = true;
        } else {
            written = true;