
Hi I used to be able to get image url from macro with:

var imgMain = Model.MacroParameters["image"];
    int imgWidth = Convert.ToInt32(Model.MacroParameters["imageWidth"]);
    var mediaItemOne = Umbraco.TypedMedia(imgMain);
    <img src='@mediaItemOne.Url.GetCropUrl(width:imageWidth)' alt=''/ >

What is the new way in Umbraco 8 as I get the following error now and I cannot find any documentation on how to do it:

UmbracoHelper' does not contain a definition for 'TypedMedia' and no accessible extension method 'TypedMedia' accepting a first argument of type 'UmbracoHelper' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


3 Answers


Instead of Umbraco.TypedMedia, just use Umbraco.Media the APIs have been simplified as dynamics are no longer supported and the former method is no longer necessary.

The same goes for Content - TypedContent has gone away, and now Umbraco.Content returns a strongly typed IPublishedContent item.


OK, if anyone comes across this post, this is how I finally got it to work in Umbraco 8

@inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
@using Umbraco.Web;
@using Umbraco.Web.Composing
    var img         = Model.MacroParameters["image"].ToString();
    int imageWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(Model.MacroParameters["imageWidth"]);
    var udi         = Udi.Parse(img);
    var imgUrl      = Current.UmbracoHelper.ContentQuery.Media(udi).Url;

    <img src='@imgUrl.GetCropUrl(width:imageWidth)' alt='' />

Try this

@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage

    var site = Model.Root();
    var bannerImage = Model.Value<IPublishedContent>("bannerImage");


<img scr="@bannerImage.Url" />