
I am trying to implement bot azure AD Authentication in my project and I am new to OAuth 2.0 and trying to do AzureAD V1 authentication with the git hub sample i downloaded from https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/18.bot-authentication

I had provided ConnectionName in code and trying to debug in emulator. I am getting welcome message in emulator and after that if i type "hi" OAuth Card has to display but i am getting "A task was cancelled error".

Note: I had enabled(checked checkbox) emulator settings like "sign verification code for OAuth Cards" and "By pass ngrok for local address"

What is wrong in code?


1 Answers


What version of the emulator are you using? There is a bug in the currently released version of the V4.2.xxx emulator that blocks the OAuth emulation feature entirely. This is fixed if you use preview releases right now and should be fixed when 4.3.xxx is officially released.

A work around for now is to actually use the V3 version of the emulator where this functionality should work as it always did.