
I have integrated React Native navigation package. I want to add badge with the dynamic value on my topBar rightButton. Github link of the package:: https://github.com/wix/react-native-navigation

I want an output like this. You can check this screenshot::

enter image description here


If I am adding a count value on notification icon then there is no event occurs when I am trying to click on button. On click of this button I want to open up my notification screen.


static options({ menuIcon }) {
        return {
            topBar: {
                title: {
                    fontFamily: font,
                    fontSize: fontSize.heading,
                    color: colors.white,
                    alignment: 'center',
                    text: strings.dashboard
                alignment: 'center',
                elevation: 0,
                noBorder: true,
                background: {
                    color: colors.dark
                leftButtons: [
                        id: 'openSideMenu',
                        icon: menuIcon ? menuIcon : APIURLServiceSingleton.getInstance()._menuIcon
                rightButtons: [
                        id: 'notificationButton',
                        component: {
                            name: 'component.notificationButton'

Code for my custom component::

    onPress={() => this.openSystemAlerts()}
    style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 0, bottom: -13 }}
    <View style={styles.button}>
        <View style={[posRelative]}>
            {(unseen_count && unseen_count > 0) &&
                <Text style={styles.badge}>{unseen_count}</Text>


  • React Native Navigation version: 2.12.0
  • React Native version: 0.58
  • Platform(s) : IOS only(on version 10.0)
so, as said in issues... if you do not add count then it works or not?Jaydeep Galani
It's not working in both cases. There is no click event.Archana Sharma
did you ever figure this out?sigmapi13

2 Answers


It seems that, position:'absolute' is creating problem,

Either ,

add zIndex:2 ...here, number must be greater than any other zIndex in its parent or if there is not any zIndex used then any number>0 is fine.


remove position:'absolute' and try styling without it.


try this component; worked fine for me https://github.com/RajenderDandyal/smart-city-Mobile-App/blob/master/src/UI/TopBarCartCount/index.js

    class TopBarCartCount extends Component {

      handleCartPress = () => {
        if (!this.props.isAuthenticated) {
        NavigateUser(2, componentIds.myAccountStack, screenNames.signIn)
        } else {
         NavigateUser(2, componentIds.myAccountStack, screenNames.myCart)

        render() {
          return (
             <View style={styles.containerWrapper}>
                <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.handleCartPress}>
                   <View style={styles.container}>
                   <View style={styles.badge}>
                      <Text style={styles.countText}>


           let mapStateToProps = (state) => {
             return {
             cart: state.auth.user.cart ? state.auth.user.cart : [],
             isAuthenticated: state.auth.isAuthenticated
            export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TopBarCartCount);

            const styles = StyleSheet.create({
               containerWrapper: {
                  flex: 1,
                  height: 40,
                  width: 50,
                  justifyContent: 'center',
                  paddingTop: 15,
                  paddingRight: 5,
                  alignItems: 'center'
                container: {
                     flex: 1,
                    height: 40,
                    width: 50,
                    paddingLeft: 5,
                    flexDirection: 'row',
                    alignItems: 'flex-start'
                  badge: {
                      backgroundColor: themeConstants.danger,
                      width: 15,
                      height: 15,
                      alignItems: 'center',
                      justifyContent: 'center',
                      paddingLeft: 0,
                      paddingTop: 1,
                      paddingBottom: 2,
                      marginLeft: 0,
                      borderRadius: 10
                    countText: {
                      fontSize: 10,
                      paddingLeft: 0,
                      color: themeConstants.offWhite