
I just copy and paste the first batch of code from : https://dash.plot.ly/getting-started to my Jupyter notebook and this what I am getting:

Running on Debugger PIN: 124-434-522 Debugger PIN: 124-434-522 Debugger PIN: 124-434-522 Debugger PIN: 124-434-522 * Serving Flask app "__main__" (lazy loading) * Environment: production WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment. Use a production WSGI server instead. * Debug mode: on An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback. SystemExit: 1

Any help will be more than appreciated.

(Updated comment) I have aslo tried google colab. Unfortunately it doesn't work on it neither. this is what I am getting:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html

external_stylesheets = ['https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css']

app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)

app.layout = html.Div(children=[
    html.H1(children='Hello Dash'),

        Dash: A web application framework for Python.

            'data': [
                {'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [4, 1, 2], 'type': 'bar', 'name': 'SF'},
                {'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [2, 4, 5], 'type': 'bar', 'name': u'Montréal'},
            'layout': {
                'title': 'Dash Data Visualization'

if __name__ == '__main__':

ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 import dash 2 import dash_core_components as dcc 3 import dash_html_components as html 4 5 external_stylesheets = ['https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css']

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dash'

(Second update) I am running the same script in Atom. Unfortunately it doesn't seen to be working: enter image description here

I don't understand what I am doing wrong.


2 Answers


This is the tutorial you are looking for https://plot.ly/python/ipython-notebook-tutorial/. As Alexander explained Dash is a web server. If you are just learning python and want to plot stuff with Jupyter, running a webserver is not what you need. Instead you have to install a plot library like plotly or my favorite matplotlib. To install it, you would run ! pip install plotly from inside Jupyter. The tutorial will walk you through it.


Your last picture shows that dash is working perfectly fine Go to the URL that is indicated in the terminal