- I have created a simple web application in Netbeans 10.0
- Integrated successfully with Visual SVN. Regular commits are working fine.
- Installed Payara 5
- Installed Jenkins
- Successfully registered Visual SVN branch in Jenkins job
- Successfully configured Ant and DEPLOY TO CONTAINER plugins in Jenkins.
- Registered war filename, Context path, Server Glassfish 3.x, port and hostname in Jenkins
- Build Now in Jenkins
- Successful build.
- Logged into Payara Admin console and clicked Applications WHOOOOOSHHHH... No application found there
There is absolutely no error any where. Tried all options including specifying Target/ Arg settings in build.xml Nothing works.
Please help me as my job is on the stake.
*** P.S. No where did I find any setting for Payara domain name. That could be a cause but not sure. How would Jenkins know in which Payara domain to deploy the compiled WAR file. May be I am wrong.
Thanks in anticipation.