Im working on a simple Blob trigger that takes CSV-files from a blob storage into SQL.
The functionality of my function is working but i want to add Application Insights in Azure to be able to get notifications about exceptions and logging information. I just cant wrap my head around it. I have been googling around for days and reading loads of articles but cant seem to find anything that works. Im new to Azure and programming in general so its a bit hard to understand some of the examples out there.
I added Application Insights to my function in the portal, and added the Instrumentationkey to the appsettings in the function. When i use Tracewriter in the function, i can publish it and the functions is working (except Application Insights is dead).
When i change to ILogger instead (which is recommended) and publish, i get zero information in my Application Insights and my functions isnt working at all.
I read one article saying that you can just add the Application Insights and istrumentationkey to your function, then add a nuget-package and its gonna work. While another article has some complex example where they build something in the startup.cs class. Just alot of different information and i dont have the experience to know what is right or wrong for my specific application.
My function currently looks like this (.NET Core 2.1):
public static class BlobTrigger
public static async Task Run([BlobTrigger("myblobstorage", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")]
CloudBlockBlob blob, ILogger log)
Exception exception = null;
log.LogInformation($"BlobTrigger processed a request for blob: {blob.Name}");
var csvToSqlHandler = new CsvToSqlHandler();
if (!blob.Name.EndsWith(".CSV"))
log.LogError(($"Blob '{blob.Name}' doesn't have the .csv extension. Skipping processing."));
var dataTable = await csvToSqlHandler.CreateDataTableFromCsv(blob);
csvToSqlHandler.FormatDataTable(dataTable, blob.Name);
csvToSqlHandler.FormatDataTableColumns(dataTable, blob.Name);
await csvToSqlHandler.DataTableToSql(dataTable, blob.Name);
catch (Exception e)
exception = e;
log.LogError($"{blob.Name} failed. Exception: {exception.Message}");
if (exception == null)
await blob.DeleteAsync();
log.LogInformation($"Blob '{blob.Name}' successfully executed!");
Using this:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BlobToSqlConverter.Handlers;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob;
I just want to see some logs in the Application Insights on Azure and ill be happy, it would also be nice if my functions dont die every time i publish using ILogger.
I would really appriciate if anyone took their time helping me with this.