I want to convert a JSON string into java object, but the class of this object contains abstract fields, which Jackson can't instantiate, and doesn't produce the object. What is the easiest way to tell it about some default implementation of an abstract class, like
setDefault(AbstractAnimal.class, Cat.class);
or to decide about the implementation class based on JSON attribute name, eg. for JSON object:
cat: {...}
i would just wite:
setImpl("cat", Cat.class);
I know it's possible in Jackson to embed class information inside JSON, but I don't want to complicate the JSON format I use. I want to decide what class to use just by setting default implementation class, or by the attribute name ('cat') - like in XStream library, where you write:
xStream.alias("cat", Cat.class);
Is there a way to do so, especially in one line, or does it require some more code?
class C { Animal animal; }
and I want to instantiate C, where Aniaml is abstract, and I want to put in this field a Cat, which extends Animal – Marcin@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
. See comments at stackoverflow.com/a/32777371/873282 – koppor