I have been trying to build a ML model which predicts the time it takes for different products to go through a deployment pipeline. I have created around 30-40 different features, 90% which are categorical and 10% numerical features. For instance I have one feature "product category" which can take 5 different values. I then create dummies for all my categorical variables and I end up with around 200-300 variables instead.
I have trained a XGboost model and checked the feature importance and noticed that most my features are around <0.001 in importance, and a lot of them, around 30 are 0. What do I do with this information? Should I drop these variables (like drop half of the product categories) or group all of them together inside an "Other" category? Any tips or standard ways of dealing with this?
EDIT: My hyper parameters.
xgb = xgboost.XGBRegressor(
max_depth = 11,
n_estimators= 150,
min_child_weight= 1,
eta= .3,
subsample= 0.9,
gamma= 0.1,
colsample_bytree= 0.9,
objective= 'reg:gamma'