
wasn't able to add all the code before. essentially after a movie plays I want the swf to reset to it's first original loading frame.

function stopVideo()
    Tweener.addTween(videocontrols.stopBtn, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
    if (playOnStart == "true")
        if (!imgHolder.holder)
            Tweener.addTween(imgHolder.bmp, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
        } // end else if
        Tweener.addTween(imgHolder.bmp, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
    } // end else if
} // End of the function
function playVideo()
    if (timeOfPause && timeOfPause > 0)
        if (tempVideo != myVideo)
        } // end if
        tempVideo = myVideo;
        if (tempVideo != myVideo)
        } // end if
        tempVideo = myVideo;
    } // end else if
    Tweener.addTween(imgHolder.bmp, {_alpha: 0, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
    playBtn._visible = false;
} // End of the function
function startVideo()
    tempVideo = myVideo;
    playBtn._visible = false;
}// End of the function

Stage.align = "TL"; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; setProperty("", _quality, "HIGH"); Stage.displayState = "normal"; ASVideoPlayer._visible = false; ASVideoPlayer._width = Stage.width; ASVideoPlayer._height = Stage.height; playBtn._visible = false; playBtn._alpha = 0; videocontrols.progressMC.progressBar._width = 0; videocontrols.progressMC.loadingBar._width = 0; errorMC._alpha = 0; bufferingMC._alpha = 0; defaultVideo = _parent.defaultVideo; image = _parent.image; logo = _parent.logo; logoLink = _parent.logoLink; logoTarget = _parent.logoTarget; playOnStart = _parent.autoplay; startVolume = _parent.videoVolume; fitToPlayer = true; bufferSize = 5; protection = false; domain = "as-flash.com"; doubleClickEnable = true; doubleClickTime = 250; checkFlashPlayerVersion = true; FlashPlayerDownloadLink = "http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/"; useKeyboardShortcuts = true; keyVideoSeek = 5; mouseWheelEnabled = true; keyVideoVolume = 5; logoX = 10; logoY = 10; HDbuttonX = 10; HDbuttonY = 10; imageLoaderX = 25; imageLoaderY = 25; if (!defaultVideo) { defaultVideo = 1; } // end if if (!startVolume) { startVolume = 50; } // end if if (!playOnStart) { playOnStart = "false"; } // end if var newConnection = new NetConnection(); newConnection.connect(""); var myStream = new NetStream(newConnection); myStream.setBufferTime(bufferSize); mediaDisplay.attachVideo(myStream); if (!soundMC) { this.createEmptyMovieClip("soundMC", this.getNextHighestDepth()); } // end if soundMC.attachAudio(myStream); var soundVolume = new Sound(soundMC); soundVolume.setVolume(startVolume); videocontrols.volumeMC.volBar._width = videocontrols.volumeMC.posMC._x = startVolume / 100 * videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC._width; startPlayer = function () { memPositions(); resizePlayer(); if (videoLinkHD.length > 3) { flashPlayerVersionCheck(); } // end if if (videoLink.length > 3 && videoLinkHD.length > 3) { this.attachMovie("QualityIcon", "QualityIcon", this.getNextHighestDepth()); QualityIcon._x = videoArea._width - QualityIcon._width - HDbuttonX; QualityIcon._y = HDbuttonY; QualityIcon.gotoAndStop(defaultVideo); if (defaultVideo == "1") { myVideo = videoLink; } else { myVideo = videoLinkHD; } // end else if QualityIcon.onRollOver = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 80, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); }; QualityIcon.onRollOut = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); }; QualityIcon.onPress = function () { myStream.close(); mediaDisplay.clear(); Tweener.addTween(videocontrols.progressMC.progressBar, {_width: 0, time: 1, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); Tweener.addTween(videocontrols.progressMC.posMC, {_x: 0, time: 1, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); if (this._currentframe == 1) { myVideo = videoLinkHD; flashPlayerVersionCheck(); this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { myVideo = videoLink; this.gotoAndStop(1); } // end else if tempVideo = myVideo; myStream.play(myVideo); if (videocontrols.playBtn._currentframe == 1) { myStream.seek(0); myStream.pause(true); Tweener.addTween(bufferingMC, {_alpha: 0, time: 6.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); loadImage(); } else { Tweener.addTween(bufferingMC, {_alpha: 100, time: 6.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); myStream.seek(0); myStream.pause(false); } // end else if Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); }; } // end if if (playOnStart == "true") { videocontrols.playBtn.gotoAndStop(2); myStream.play(myVideo); tempVideo = myVideo; Tweener.addTween(bufferingMC, {_alpha: 100, time: 6.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(false, "buffering"); } else { updateInformation(true); if (image.length > 0) { loadImage(); } // end if videocontrols.playBtn.gotoAndStop(1); } // end else if if (logo.length > 3) { if (!logoMC) { this.createEmptyMovieClip("logoMC", this.getNextHighestDepth()); } // end if logo_loader.loadClip(logo, logoMC); } // end if }; memPositions = function () { screenW = Stage.width; screenH = Stage.height; videocontrolsX = videocontrols._x; playBtnX = videocontrols.playBtn._x; playBtnY = videocontrols.playBtn._y; stopBtnX = videocontrols.stopBtn._x; stopBtnY = videocontrols.stopBtn._y; progressMCX = videocontrols.progressMC._x; progressMCY = videocontrols.progressMC._y; progressMCW = videocontrols.progressMC._width; outputMCX = Stage.width - 200; outputMCY = videocontrols.outputMC._y; volumeonoffMCX = Stage.width - 104; volumeonoffMCY = videocontrols.audioOnOff._y; volumeMCX = Stage.width - 89; volumeMCY = videocontrols.volumeMC._y; volumeMCW = videocontrols.volumeMC._width; fitToPlayerBtnX = Stage.width - 31; fitToPlayerBtnY = videocontrols.fitToPlayerBtn._y; fullscreenBtnX = Stage.width - 13; fullscreenBtnY = videocontrols.fullscreenBtn._y; videocontrols.progressMC.backgroundMC._width = Stage.width - videocontrols.progressMC._x - (Stage.width - videocontrols.outputMC._x) - 15; videocontrols.progressMC.loadingBar._width = pctLoaded * videocontrols.progressMC.backgroundMC._width; videocontrols.progressMC.outlineMC._width = videocontrols.progressMC.backgroundMC._width * 1.005000E+000; }; myStream.onStatus = function (status) { errorMC._alpha = 0; if (status.code == "NetStream.Play.Start") { preloadVideo(); playingVideo = true; updateInformation(true); resizeVideo(); } // end if if (status.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") { Tweener.addTween(imgHolder.bmp, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); playingVideo = false; updateInformation(false); progressMC.progressBar._width = 0; } // end if if (status.code == "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" || status.code == "NetStream.Play.FileStructureInvalid" || status.code == "NetStream.Play.NoSupportedTrackFound") { playingVideo = false; progressMC.progressBar._width = 0; videocontrols.playBtn.gotoAndStop(1); errorMC._alpha = 100; Tweener.addTween(bufferingMC, {_alpha: 0, time: 6.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); } // end if if (status.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty") { Tweener.addTween(bufferingMC, {_alpha: 100, time: 6.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); } // end if if (status.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Full") { Tweener.addTween(bufferingMC, {_alpha: 0, time: 6.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true); } // end if if (status.code == "NetStream.Seek.Notify") { } // end if if (status.code == "NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime") { } // end if }; myStream.onMetaData = function (obj) { videoDuration = obj.duration; }; preloadVideo = function () { if (!preloaderMC) { this.createEmptyMovieClip("preloaderMC", this.getNextHighestDepth()); } // end if preloaderMC.onEnterFrame = function () { pctLoaded = myStream.bytesLoaded / myStream.bytesTotal; videocontrols.progressMC.loadingBar._width = pctLoaded * videocontrols.progressMC._width - 1; if (pctLoaded >= 1) { pctLoaded = 1; videocontrols.progressMC.loadingBar._width = videocontrols.progressMC.backgroundMC._width; delete preloaderMC.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; updateInformation = function (stat, msg) { clearInterval(updateInterval); if (myStream.time >= 0) { resizeVideo(); } // end if if (stat == true) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { videocontrols.progressMC.progressBar._width = videocontrols.progressMC.posMC._x = myStream.time / videoDuration * videocontrols.progressMC._width; if (!msg) { videocontrols.outputMC.outputTF.text = outputTime(myStream.time, videoDuration); } else { videocontrols.outputMC.outputTF.text = msg; } // end else if if (Math.round(myStream.time) == Math.round(videoDuration)) { videocontrols.playBtn.gotoAndStop(1); Tweener.addTween(imgHolder.bmp, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); showPlayBtn(true); timeOfPause = 0; myStream.seek(0); myStream.pause(true); videocontrols.outputMC.outputTF.text = outputTime(timeOfPause, videoDuration); videocontrols.progressMC.progressBar._width = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; } else if (msg) { outputMC.outputTF.text = msg; } else { outputMC.outputTF.text = ""; } // end else if }; outputTime = function (curTime, totTime) { curMinutes = Math.floor(curTime / 60); curSeconds = Math.floor(curTime % 60); totMinutes = Math.floor(totTime / 60); totSeconds = Math.floor(totTime % 60); if (!totMinutes || totMinutes == undefined) { totMinutes = 0; } // end if if (!totSeconds || totSeconds == undefined) { totSeconds = 0; } // end if if (curMinutes < 10) { curMinutes = "0" + curMinutes; } // end if if (curSeconds < 10) { curSeconds = "0" + curSeconds; } // end if if (totMinutes < 10) { totMinutes = "0" + totMinutes; } // end if if (totSeconds < 10) { totSeconds = "0" + totSeconds; } // end if return (curMinutes + ":" + curSeconds + " / " + totMinutes + ":" + totSeconds); }; videocontrols.playBtn.onRollOver = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 70, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); if (this._currentframe == 1) { updateInformation(true, "PLAY"); } else { updateInformation(true, "PAUSE"); } // end else if }; videocontrols.playBtn.onRollOut = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true); }; videocontrols.playBtn.onPress = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); if (this._currentframe == 1) { showPlayBtn(false); if (timeOfPause && timeOfPause > 0) { myStream.pause(false); } else { if (tempVideo != myVideo) { myStream.seek(0); } // end if myStream.play(myVideo); tempVideo = myVideo; } // end else if this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { showPlayBtn(true); timeOfPause = myStream.time; myStream.pause(true); Tweener.addTween(bufferingMC, {_alpha: 100, time: 6.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); this.gotoAndStop(1);

    var trackingURL = "";

    var trackInfo = new LoadVars();
    trackInfo.value1 = myVideo;
    trackInfo.value2 = "";

    var myDate = new Date();
    trackInfo.sendAndLoad(trackingURL + "?cacheKiller=" + (myDate.UTC), (trackInfo), "POST");
} // end else if
Tweener.addTween(imgHolder.bmp, {_alpha: 0, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});

var trackingURL = "";

    var trackInfo = new LoadVars();
    trackInfo.value1 = myVideo;
    trackInfo.value2 = "";

    var myDate = new Date();
    trackInfo.sendAndLoad(trackingURL + "?cacheKiller=" + (myDate.UTC), (trackInfo), "POST");

}; videocontrols.stopBtn.onRollOver = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 70, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true, "STOP"); }; videocontrols.stopBtn.onRollOut = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true); }; videocontrols.stopBtn.onPress = function () { stopVideo(); }; videocontrols.fullscreenBtn.onRollOver = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 70, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); if (this._currentframe == 1) { updateInformation(true, "fullscreen"); } else { updateInformation(true, "normal screen"); } // end else if }; videocontrols.fullscreenBtn.onRollOut = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true); }; videocontrols.fullscreenBtn.onPress = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); ratio = mediaDisplay.width / mediaDisplay.height; if (this._currentframe == 1) { Stage.displayState = "fullScreen"; this.gotoAndStop(2); videoArea._width = Stage.width; videoArea._height = ASVideoPlayer._height - videocontrols._height; videoArea._x = videoArea._y = 0; } else { Stage.displayState = "normal"; videoArea._width = Stage.width; videoArea._height = ASVideoPlayer._height - videocontrols._height; videoArea._x = videoArea._y = 0; this.gotoAndStop(1); } // end else if updateInformation(true); resizeVideo(); resizePlayer(); var trackingURL = "";

    var trackInfo = new LoadVars();
    trackInfo.value1 = myVideo;
    trackInfo.value2 = "";

    var myDate = new Date();
    trackInfo.sendAndLoad(trackingURL + "?cacheKiller=" + (myDate.UTC), (trackInfo), "POST");

}; videocontrols.fitToPlayerBtn.onRollOver = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 70, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); if (this._currentframe == 1) { updateInformation(true, "fit to player"); } else { updateInformation(true, "original size"); } // end else if }; videocontrols.fitToPlayerBtn.onRollOut = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true); }; videocontrols.fitToPlayerBtn.onPress = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); if (fitToPlayer == false) { fitToPlayer = true; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { fitToPlayer = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } // end else if updateInformation(true); resizeVideo(); }; videocontrols.progressMC.backgroundMC.onRollOver = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 70, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true, "seek video"); }; videocontrols.progressMC.backgroundMC.onRollOut = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true); }; videocontrols.progressMC.backgroundMC.onPress = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 70, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true); myStream.pause(true); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._parent._xmouse >= 0 && this._parent._xmouse <= this._width) { seekingTime = this._parent._xmouse / this._width * videoDuration; videocontrols.progressMC.progressBar._width = seekingTime / videoDuration * videocontrols.progressMC._width; myStream.seek(seekingTime); if (seekingTime == videoDuration) { myStream.pause(true); } // end if } // end if }; }; videocontrols.progressMC.backgroundMC.onRelease = videocontrols.progressMC.backgroundMC.onReleaseOutside = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); if (videocontrols.playBtn._currentframe == 1) { myStream.pause(true); } else { myStream.pause(false); } // end else if timeOfPause = myStream.time; updateInformation(true); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC.onRollOver = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 70, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true, "adjust volume"); }; videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC.onRollOut = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true); }; videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC.onPress = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 70, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xmouse >= 0 && this._xmouse <= this._width) { seekingVolume = this._xmouse / this._width * 100; videocontrols.volumeMC.volBar._width = videocontrols.volumeMC.posMC._x = this._xmouse; soundVolume.setVolume(seekingVolume); dispTF = "volume: " + Math.round(seekingVolume) + " %"; updateInformation(true, dispTF); if (seekingVolume == 0) { videocontrols.audioOnOff.gotoAndStop(2); } else { videocontrols.audioOnOff.gotoAndStop(1); } // end if } // end else if }; }; videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC.onRelease = videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC.onReleaseOutside = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); updateInformation(true); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; updateVolumePosition = function () { videocontrols.volumeMC.posMC._x = videocontrols.volumeMC.volBar._width; soundVolume.setVolume(videocontrols.volumeMC.volBar._width / videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC._width * 100); }; if (useKeyboardShortcuts == true) { keylistener = new Object(); keylistener.onKeyDown = function () { clearInterval(updateInterval); if (Key.isDown(13)) { if (Stage.displayState == "normal") { Stage.displayState = "fullScreen"; ASVideoPlayer._width = Stage.width; ASVideoPlayer._height = Stage.height; videocontrols.fullscreenBtn.gotoAndStop(2); } else { Stage.displayState = "normal"; ASVideoPlayer._width = screenW; ASVideoPlayer._height = screenH; videocontrols.fullscreenBtn.gotoAndStop(1); } // end if } // end else if if (Key.isDown(27)) { Stage.displayState = "normal"; ASVideoPlayer._width = screenW; ASVideoPlayer._height = screenH; videocontrols.fullscreenBtn.gotoAndStop(1); } // end if if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (videocontrols.playBtn._currentframe == 1) { showPlayBtn(false); if (timeOfPause && timeOfPause > 0) { myStream.pause(false); } else { myStream.play(myVideo); } // end else if videocontrols.playBtn.gotoAndStop(2); } else { showPlayBtn(true); timeOfPause = myStream.time; myStream.pause(true); videocontrols.playBtn.gotoAndStop(1); } // end if } // end else if if (Key.isDown(39)) { gotoTime = myStream.time + keyVideoSeek; if (gotoTime < videoDuration) { myStream.seek(gotoTime); } else { myStream.seek(videoDuration); } // end if } // end else if if (Key.isDown(37)) { gotoTime = myStream.time - keyVideoSeek; if (gotoTime > 0) { myStream.seek(gotoTime); } else { myStream.seek(0); } // end if } // end else if if (Key.isDown(38)) { gotoVolume = videocontrols.volumeMC.volBar._width / videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC._width * 100 + keyVideoVolume; videocontrols.audioOnOff.gotoAndStop(1); if (gotoVolume < 100) { videocontrols.volumeMC.volBar._width = videocontrols.volumeMC.posMC._x = gotoVolume / 100 * videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC._width; soundVolume.setVolume(gotoVolume); } else { gotoVolume = 100; videocontrols.volumeMC.volBar._width = videocontrols.volumeMC.posMC._x = videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC._width; soundVolume.setVolume(100); } // end else if dispTF = "volume: " + Math.round(gotoVolume) + " %"; updateInformation(true, dispTF); } // end if if (Key.isDown(40)) { gotoVolume = videocontrols.volumeMC.volBar._width / videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC._width * 100 - keyVideoVolume; if (gotoVolume > 0) { videocontrols.volumeMC.volBar._width = videocontrols.volumeMC.posMC._x = gotoVolume / 100 * videocontrols.volumeMC.backgroundMC._width; soundVolume.setVolume(gotoVolume); } else { gotoVolume = 0; videocontrols.volumeMC.volBar._width = videocontrols.volumeMC.posMC._x = 0; videocontrols.audioOnOff.gotoAndStop(2); soundVolume.setVolume(0); } // end else if dispTF = "volume: " + Math.round(gotoVolume) + " %"; updateInformation(true, dispTF); } // end if updateInterval = setInterval(update, 1000); }; Key.addListener(keylistener); } // end if update = function () { updateInformation(true); };

videocontrols.onEnterFrame = function () { resizeVideo(); resizePlayer(); resizeImage(); }; flashPlayerVersionCheck = function () { if (checkFlashPlayerVersion == true) { var _loc4 = System.capabilities.version; var _loc3 = _loc4.split(" "); var _loc2 = _loc3[1].split(","); if (_loc2[0] >= 10) { HDsupport = true; } else if (_loc2[0] >= 9 && _loc2[1] >= 0 && _loc2[2] >= 115 && _loc2[3] >= 0) { HDsupport = true; } else { HDsupport = false; } // end else if if (HDsupport == false) { errorMC._alpha = 0; bufferingMC._alpha = 0; if (!downloadWindow) { this.attachMovie("downloadWindow", "downloadWindow", this.getNextHighestDepth()); } // end if downloadWindow._x = videoArea._width / 2; downloadWindow._y = videoArea._height / 2; downloadWindow.closeBtn.onRollOver = downloadWindow.downloadBtn.onRollOver = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 40, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); }; downloadWindow.closeBtn.onRollOut = downloadWindow.downloadBtn.onRollOut = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); }; downloadWindow.closeBtn.onRelease = downloadWindow.closeBtn.onReleaseOutside = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); downloadWindow.removeMovieClip(); }; downloadWindow.downloadBtn.onRelease = downloadWindow.downloadBtn.onReleaseOutside = function () { Tweener.addTween(this, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); getURL(FlashPlayerDownloadLink, "_blank"); downloadWindow.removeMovieClip(); }; } // end if } // end if }; loadImage = function () { if (!imgHolder.holder) { imgHolder.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", imgHolder.getNextHighestDepth()); } // end if if (!imgHolder.bmp) { imgHolder.createEmptyMovieClip("bmp", imgHolder.getNextHighestDepth()); } // end if imgHolder.holder._visible = false; imgHolder.bmp._visible = false; image_loader.loadClip(image, imgHolder.holder); }; showPlayBtn = function (stat) { if (stat == true) { playBtn._visible = true; playBtn._alpha = 0; playBtn._xscale = playBtn._yscale = 130; Tweener.addTween(playBtn, {_alpha: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); Tweener.addTween(playBtn, {_xscale: 100, _yscale: 100, time: 4.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); } else { playBtn._visible = false; playBtn._alpha = 0; } // end else if playBtn.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 80; }; playBtn.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; playBtn.onPress = function () { playVideo(); }; }; if (protection == true) { protocol = _url.substr(0, _url.indexOf(":")); if (protocol == "file") { startPlayer(); } else if (_url.indexOf(domain) > 0) { startPlayer(); } else { videocontrols._visible = false; myStream.close(); this.attachMovie("protectionMC", "protectionMC", this.getNextHighestDepth()); protectionMC._alpha = 0; protectionMC._x = Stage.width / 2; protectionMC._y = Stage.height / 2; Tweener.addTween(protectionMC, {_alpha: 100, time: 6.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"}); } // end else if } else { startPlayer(); } // end else if


1 Answers


Not seeing what's on the timeline of the Movieclip it's really hard to tell. I'm also slightly unclear what you mean by loading default? The playhead and the loader should minimize to width 0, or a whole host of variables should be reset.

Anyway, these two lines (you probably already figured this one out) are what you need

videocontrols.progressMC.progressBar._width = 0;
videocontrols.progressMC.loadingBar._width = 0;

They seem to be lines 73 and 74. I couldn't find any functions that are called as the video is playing, or when the video ends. If there are any then stick a call to those in there. If there aren't then add one. The status handler you're looking for is NetStream.onStatus (link)