
I have created an Azure Analysis Service and CosmosDB in same region (West-India).But when I try to add new Model in Azure Analysis Service, I able to find only Sample Data(Adventurous DW) in the data source list. I am unable to find CosmosDB name in the drop down list of data sources.

Microsoft has mentioned that we can connect to Cosmos DB from Azure analysis Services for In-memory model. But I can't even find Cosmos DB in the list.enter image description here


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1 Answers


Followed the official tutorial:Add a sample model from the portal,you could only work with sample model which is a completed version of the Adventure Works Internet Sales (1200) sample data model. A sample model is useful for testing model management, connecting with tools and client applications, and querying model data.

But based on the statements in the supported list data source document,the cosmos db needs Tabular 1400 and higher models only.

enter image description here

So,please follow the Adventure Works tutorial to create a tabular model project.Then you could create a connection to your cosmos db account inn Tabular Model Explorer, right-click Data Sources > Import from Data Source.

enter image description here

Key your db infomation:

enter image description here

Also,you could refer to a case related to this:https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/9394a10b-f085-4a68-9951-5000a6f799ef/cosmos-db-data-source-how-to-configure-the-key-in-azure-analysis-services?forum=AzureAnalysisServices