I just finished my 1 year free trial with Google Cloud Platform and I am now being billed.
When I set my first project up, it looks like I set it up as Multi-Regional. I would only use the Google Cloud Storage in the event of a catastrophic failure in my home where i lose data on both internal and external hard drives (ie. fire, etc) . I believe for this type of backup, I only need Coldline storage. I did change my project over to Coldline but it looks like it only changes new data, not the original stored data because I am still being charged for Multi-regional storage.
From what I understand, I have to change the Object Storage Class either by overwriting the data using "gsutil rewrite -s [STORAGE_CLASS] gs://[PATH_TO_OBJECT]"
or by Object Lifestyle Management. I could not figure out how to do either, so I need help doing this (I am not even sure where to type these commands or which approach to use (I am not a programmer!!)).
I also saw in another post that my gsutil command needs to up to date 4.22 or higher. How do I check this?? I also saw in this post that the [PATH_TO_OBJECT] is My Bucket. I see a Project Name, Project ID, and Project number. Which of these (if any) are used in that field for My Bucket?
Thank you for any help