
According to WinPcap website, they don't support Windows 10 but latest release of famous network analyzer, Wireshark (2.6.6) which can run on Windows 10 still uses WinPcap in its installation. On the other hand, they warn you about WinPcap usage on Windows 10 in their wiki by saying that "The Wireshark installer includes WinPcap, but Npcap might work better for you especially if you run Windows 10." My question is, how much reliable to use Winpcap on Windows 10? If it is not reliable, can I still use jnetPcap with newer alternative of Winpcap (such as Npcap). Since I already have an old Java implementation using jnetpcap developed on Windows 7 and I will maintain it again, I want to keep it as much as possible.

The latest WinPcap release is from 2013, Windows 10 was introduced 2015 - therefore you won't find anything regarding Win10 compatibility in the changelog. jnetPcap is just a Java wrapper/JAva API for WinPCap. YOu can#T run it without WinPcap.Robert

1 Answers


You can use Win10Pcap instead, which is built for Windows 10 and is binary compatible with WinPcap.