Using Pyspark 2.2
I have a spark DataFrame with multiple columns. I need to input 2 columns to a UDF and return a 3rd column
|col_A| col_B|
| abc|abcdef|
| abc| a|
Both col_A
and col_B
are StringType()
Desired output:
|col_A| col_B|new_col|
| abc|abcdef| abc|
| abc| a| a|
I want new_col
to be a substring of col_A
with the length of col_B
I tried
udf_substring = F.udf(lambda x: F.substring(x[0],0,F.length(x[1])), StringType())
df.withColumn('new_col', udf_substring([F.col('col_A'),F.col('col_B')])).show()
But it gives the TypeError: Column is not iterable
Any idea how to do such manipulation?