I'm following the tutorial in https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/blob/master/docs/aws.md with a bootstrap EC2 instance with Amazon Linux installed.
And everything seems to be working fine until I need to start configuring the cluster.
This error when running the kops command to create a configuration for the cluster. I couldn`t find any post on how to solve this issue.
Any help?
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-19-231 ~]$ kops create cluster --zones us-west-2a,us-west-2b,us-west-2c,us-west-2d ${NAME}
I0224 22:43:29.639232 3292 create_cluster.go:496] Inferred --cloud=aws from zone "us-west-2a"
I0224 22:43:29.699503 3292 subnets.go:184] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-west-2a
I0224 22:43:29.699582 3292 subnets.go:184] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-west-2b
I0224 22:43:29.699632 3292 subnets.go:184] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-west-2c
I0224 22:43:29.699677 3292 subnets.go:184] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-west-2d
error assigning default machine type for nodes: error finding default machine type: could not find a suitable supported instance type for the instance group "nodes" (type "Node") in region "us-west-2"