I am trying to understand how two file processing works. So here created an example. file1.txt
zzz pq Fruit Apple 10
zzz rs Fruit Car 50
zzz tu Study Book 60
aa bb Book 100
cc dd Car 200
hj kl XYZ 500
ee ff Apple 300
ff gh ABC 400
I want to compare 4th column of file1
to 3rd column of file2
, if matched then print the 3rd,4th,5th column of file1
followed by 3rd, 4th column of file2
with sum of 5th column of file1 and 4th column of file2.
Expected Output:
Fruit Apple 10 300 310
Fruit Car 50 200 250
Study Book 60 100 160
Here what I have tried:
awk ' FNR==NR{ a[$4]=$5;next} ( $3 in a){ print $3, a[$4],$4}' file1.txt file2.txt
Code output;
Book 100
Car 200
Apple 300
I am facing problem in printing file1
column and how to store the other column of file1 in array a
. Please guide me.