I have an aggregate root of an Administration. The Administration object has a 1 to many relationship with Forms. Forms has what is CLOSE to being a many to many relationship with Modules, however there is a property on the link, so I've created a mapping object named FormModule which has a property for a Sequence integer.
I've jiggered around with the Cascade & Inverse settings in the configuration, but I can't figure out the right combination that will allow me to save a new Administration object with all of its dependent objects. I'm using a composite key on the FormModule table, but the KeyReference doesn't appear to have any means for me to set it to save the Modules, and I get the error
object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing or set cascade action for the property to something that would make it autosave. Type: Module
Here's the code for the classes
public class Administration
public virtual int AdministrationId { get; protected set; }
protected IList<Form> _forms = new List<Form>();
public virtual IList<Form> Forms
get { return _forms; }
public class Form
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual Administration AdminKey { get; protected set; }
protected IList<FormModule> _formModules = new List<FormModule>();
public virtual IList<FormModule> FormModules
get { return _formModules; }
public class Module
public virtual int Id { get; protected set; }
public virtual Administration AdminKey { get; protected set; }
protected IList<FormModule> _formModules = new List<FormModule>();
public virtual IList<FormModule> FormModules
get { return _formModules; }
public class FormModule
public virtual Form Form { get; protected set; }
public virtual Module Module { get; protected set; }
public virtual int Sequence { get; protected set; }
And heres the code for the Fluent NHibernate config
public class AdministrationMap : ClassMap<Administratio>
public AdministrationMap()
Id(x => x.Id)
HasMany(x => x.Forms)
public class FormMap : ClassMap<Form>
public FormMap()
Id(x => x.Id)
HasMany(x => x.FormModules)
References(x => x.Administration).Column("AdministrationId").Not.Nullable();
public class ModuleMap : ClassMap<Module>
public ModuleMap()
Id(x => x.Id)
HasMany(x => x.FormModules)
//.Inverse() //try this;
References(x => x.Administration).Column("AdministrationId").Not.Nullable();
public class FormModuleMap : ClassMap<FormModule>
public FormModuleMap()
.KeyReference(x => x.Form, "FormId")
.KeyReference(x => x.Module, "ModuleId");
Map(x => x.Sequence)
//I've tried these
//References(x => x.Module).Column(FormModuleTable.Column.FormId).Not.Nullable().Cascade.All();
//References(x => x.Module).Column(FormModuleTable.Column.ModuleId).Not.Nullable();
Does anyone see why I'm getting this error?