
In my simulations, I have two numerical grids that overlap each other. One of them (the smaller one) is not rectangular but has a curved boundary (at least the area in which I care about it).

I would like to visualize those two numerical grids and how they overlap each other in gnuplot as a 2D plot. The result should look similar to this:

enter image description here

The red grid spans the entire area, the black grid is a subset of the red one with a curved boundary. The blue line is an approximation of the boundary.

This looks good so far, except for the fact that this is a 3D-plot at which I look exactly from above; i.e. in gnuplot I can rotate it if I wanted to.

gnuplot> show view
    view is 0 rot_x, 270 rot_z, 1 scale, 1 scale_z

Viewed from this angle none of the information of the z-axis is visible. It sort of removes the reason for a 3D plot as all you can see are the grids on which your data live. And this is precisely what I want.

But then, I rather have a 2D plot since those are more efficient to handle in gnuplot and also gnuplot generates a huge margin around 3D plots which reduces the useable area. How can I get this mesh projected into a 2D plane and get gnuplot to visualise it?

How to create above plot: I have one variable that is defined on the entire grid, but is non-zero (and always positive) only on the black part of the grid. The data are stored in the file "values.dat" in the usual way---in three columns in polar coordinates:

r (radius) -- theta (polar angle) -- value

Then you can get above plot with:

set style line 1 lt 1 dt 3 lc rgb "red"
set style line 2 lt 1 lc rgb "black"
set view 0, 270, 1, 1
splot "values.dat" u 1:2:(1.0) w l ls 1, \
      "values.dat" u 1:2:($3>0.0?1.0:NaN) w l ls 2

The blue line in the graph is additional and comes from a separate approximation of the grid boundary but is not really relevant for the question here.

you did this graph in gnuplot? Where is the code for generating this plot? How does the data for the grid spacing look like?theozh
@theozh, I've added a section to my question, explaining the data structure and the gnuplot commands.Christian K
I just figured that the set view map command in gnuplot did exactly what I want! Success!Christian K

1 Answers


The gnuplot command

set view map

does exactly what I want.

From the gnuplot documentation:

It supports both 3D projection or orthogonal 2D projection into a 2D plot-like map.