
I have two excel sheets. Sheet 1 has roughly 2400 rows (and will continue to grow) and sheet 2 has roughly 4400 rows (and will also continue to grow. Sheet 1 has one column and sheet 2 has 2 columns (but I only care about the first column). I need to compare sheet 1 and sheet 2 and be able to see what sheet 1 values are NOT in sheet 2. Ideally, this data would then populate a new sheet 3.

I have searched through many sites and many pages here with stackflow, but because I am so new at this, I'm not sure if I have come across what I need or not. Everything I have tried is not working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Have a look a VLOOKUP exceljet.net/excel-functions/excel-vlookup-function and see if that scratches your itch. Or MATCH support.office.com/en-us/article/…JGFMK
Thanks - I think the first one will work for me!jonnyjack1126

1 Answers


Additionally to the already mentioned vlookup or match alternatives you may copy the values from Sheet1 to a new worksheet and add a column "source" where you enter "Sheet1". The same you do with the values from sheet 2. And then you create a pivot table to see immediately which values are on which sheet:

enter image description here