
I have a master interactive grid feeding a detail interactive grid on the side that always has exactly one row. I want this detail interactive grid to be displayed in single row format. I have looked at all the attributes and googled it for hours but I am stumped.

Any ideas?

Single row view looks like this: http://prntscr.com/moi8ra

Can you define or provide an image what a single row format would look like? An interactive grid with one row of data is what I would imagine, but not sure how you would like it to appear.Mark Stewart
Why don't you have a classic region feeding your detail IG?Scott
I like using interactive grids, but even if I didnt, the detail IG would still be an IG so I dont see what difference it would make. And I also added what single row view looks like, its basically a form.TineO
What do you think about create a link in your IG that refresh an item with the PK of your detail table. And then use that item to refresh the fields of a form (not a detail IG).romeuBraga
Alternatively, maybe that plugin helps in some way. apex.world/ords/…romeuBraga

1 Answers


to make an interactive grid show up in single row view by default (like the selection "Single row view" in the row actions menu), put the following code into the attributes / settings of your PAGE (NOT your interactive grid), section JavaScript > Execute when page loads

var ig$ = apex.region("StaticID").widget();

Replace StaticID with the StaticID of your interactive grid.

I know that this is old, but it was on top of my google search results, without the question being answered correctly. I had the same question , and I have been searching the web for hours on how to accomplish this. And it's so easy, once you found it. ;-)

Kind Regards, Nadine