
Hi there I've been looking for a solution to this problem for a while now but can't seem to find a fix for it. Hopefully one of you can help me out.

I've a primefaces(v6.2, omega theme) calendar component(pop-up, not inline) inside a dialog component. When opening the dialog and clicking on the calendar input field the calendar pop up shows up. What I would like it to do is have it pop up next to the input field(pretty much its regular behaviour outside of a dialog). The issue I'm facing however is that when I scroll down the page and click on the input component the pop up will show but with a certain offset in relation to the input field. The following screenshots illustrate the issue.

first pic

second pic

Here's my code:

<p:dialog id="dialog"
    <p:panel id="panel">
        <p:outputPanel id="outputPanel">
            <p:panelGrid columns="2" layout="grid"
                         columnClasses="ui-grid-col-3, ui-grid-col-4"
                         styleClass="ui-noborder" width="100%">
                <p:outputLabel for="date" value="#{msg.date}"/>
                <p:calendar id="date" value="#{date}"
                            navigator="true" mask="true" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"/>

I'm not that good with CSS so hopefully this is an easy fix but sadly enough I can't figure it out myself.

What PrimeFaces version are you using?Jasper de Vries
Oops forgot to add that, thanks for pointing that out I've edited my question and added the version. I'm using version 6.2(omega theme)JDVB
I am facing the same problem on PF6.0. I found this issue and it looks like the PF guys have the fix planned for PF7.0. Did you happen to find a fix since posting?Mitchell Brooks
I've not i just kept it as is for now and might just ditch the calendar pop up altogether in this particular case. Thanks for the heads up though I plan on migrating to 6.3 as soon as it is available i need some additional fixes that are to be included in that version.JDVB

1 Answers


This issue is not yet fixed as per March 2021


As a work around for my case I put the

<p:dialog blockScroll="true">

ensure that the button triggering the dialog to have
