I have a dataset that looks similar to the example below. For each code
I would like to calculate the distance to the next nearest code that belongs to the same area
as it. So in my example, for each code belonging to area A001 I would be after an additional column in the dataset that contains the minimum distance to one of the other points that belong to area A001. I assume there should be a way of using st_distance
to achieve this?
dt1 <- data.table(
code=c("A00111", "A00112","A00113","A00211","A00212","A00213","A00214","A00311","A00312"),
area=c("A001", "A001","A001","A002","A002","A002","A002","A003","A003"),
sf1 <- st_as_sf(dt1, coords = c("x","y"), crs=27700, na.fail=FALSE)