I read RFC6577 and RFC8445 but I feel like there is a bit of a disconnect between how TURN can be used versus how ICE actually utilizes the relay candidates
The TURN RFC describes the use of one single TURN server to ferry data between a client and a peer. The transport address
on the TURN server accepts data flow from a client via TURN messages, whereas the relayed transport address
accepts data flow from peer(s) via UDP. This sounds great - one TURN server and bidirectional data flow.
However in reading about ICE, I feel like this never happens. Both caller and callee independently allocate on potentially two TURN servers, and then send their respective relayed transport addresses
to each other. More like an I can be reached via this relayed transport address
sort of thing. Connectivity checks then occur and thus, two TURN servers end up being used here where data only flows in one direction through the relayed transport address
of each participants allocated TURN server.
Is this true?
From the TURN RFC, it says the following:
The client can arrange for the server to relay packets to and from certain other hosts (called peers) and can control aspects of how the relaying is done. The client does this by obtaining an IP address and port on the server, called the relayed transport address. When a peer sends a packet to the relayed transport address, the server relays the packet to the client. When the client sends a data packet to the server, the server relays it to the appropriate peer using the relayed transport address as the source.
However, I can't see a scenario whereby through ICE negotiations, data would ever flow through the transport address from the client to the peer. Both the caller and the callee independently allocate on a TURN server and send relayed transport addresses
to each other to be reached on.
Basically, TURN can do bidirectional data flow, but with ICE between two symmetric NAT's, it wont. Is this correct?