
I have several environment files for my Angular application :

  • environment.ts
  • environment.dev.ts
  • environment.prod.ts

I'd like to use default variables shared by all environments without duplicating them in every file. If I add a variable 'homeUrl' only in environment.ts for example :

export const environment = {
  production: false,
  apiUrl: 'http://some-backend-url/',
  homeUrl: '/illustrator/directory'

When I run the application with the dev configuration, my variables from environment.dev.ts are loaded properly but homeUrl is undefined as it's only declared in environment.ts file.

Is there a way to use default variables shared between environments without copying them ?


3 Answers


You can import default variables from outside.


export const default = {
  apiUrl: 'http://some-backend-url/',
  homeUrl: '/illustrator/directory'

in environment.ts:

import {default} from 'default'

export const environment = {
  production: false

and import it in all files. So in this way you can modify only in default.ts file and will be apply automaticaly in all enviroments


My answer will improve Oleg answer:

1. Base interface:

// config.ts
export interface Config {
   production: boolean;
   apiUrl: string;
   homeUrl: string;
   // added other need config definition.

2. Base environment:

// environment.base.ts
export const environmentBase = {
  apiUrl: 'http://some-backend-url/',
  homeUrl: '/illustrator/directory'
  // add more base, default, share config definitions.

3. Production environment:

// environment.prod.ts
export const environment: Config = {
  production: true,

4. Development environment:

// environment.dev.ts
export const environment: Config = {
  production: false,

In addition to object spreading/assignment, you can just declare environment configs as a class that each inherit from your 'base' class.

// environment.ts
export class environment {
  static value = 'DefaultValue';
  static homeUrl = 'DefaultUrl';

then in your other environment configs...

// environment.dev.ts, environment.prod.ts...
import { environment as EnvironmentBase } from './environment';

export class environment extends EnvironmentBase {
  static newThing = '??';
  static homeUrl = 'NewUrl'; // overridden

Things to note: these are now classes instead of object literals, so their properties should be static to match access. Also, you'd need to import the base config as a different name since you're defining a class with the same name in that file (or just make a separate base class altogether)/