Below is my python agi script. I'm trying to pass a value from dialplan to agi script and trying to print the value through the script. Everything is working fine but the value is not passing to the script. Please let me know if anything went wrong in it.
from asterisk.agi import *
agi = AGI()
agi.verbose("python agi started")
phone_exten = agi.get_variable('PHONE_EXTEN')
agi.verbose("phone number",phone_exten)
agi.set_variable('EXT_CALLERID', '1')
Dailplan code:
exten => _X.,1,Goto(s,1)
exten => s,1,set(PHONE_EXTEN=0904)
exten => s,2,AGI(,${PHONE_EXTEN})
exten => s,3,NoOp(${EXT_CALLERID})
exten => s,4,Hangup()
Connected to Asterisk 14.6.0 currently running on ip-172-31-18-90 (pid = 2539)
Core debug is still 10.
[Feb 20 12:54:39] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Feb 20 12:54:39] -- Executing [0904@TEST:1] Goto("SIP/0904-00000004", "s,1") in new stack
[Feb 20 12:54:39] -- Goto (TEST,s,1)
[Feb 20 12:54:39] -- Executing [s@TEST:1] Set("SIP/0904-00000004", "PHONE_EXTEN=0904") in new stack
[Feb 20 12:54:39] -- Executing [s@TEST:2] AGI("SIP/0904-00000004", ",0904") in new stack
[Feb 20 12:54:39] -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/
[Feb 20 12:54:39],0904: python agi started
[Feb 20 12:54:39] -- <SIP/0904-00000004>AGI Script completed, returning 0
[Feb 20 12:54:39] -- Executing [s@TEST:3] NoOp("SIP/0904-00000004", "1") in new stack
[Feb 20 12:54:39] -- Executing [s@TEST:4] Hangup("SIP/0904-00000004", "") in new stack
[Feb 20 12:54:39] == Spawn extension (TEST, s, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/0904-00000004'
agi.verbose("phone number", phone_exten)
line. This could be because the call toagi.get_variable
caused the script to terminate early (variable was not defined maybe?). – Brandon Haugen