
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm trying to use plain text in a UILabel using storyboard to have a custom font. I can only see the fonts when I'm switching the text style from Plain text to Attributed.

The steps I have done to install them:

  1. Dragged fonts into the project (.ttf)
  2. Checked that the fonts are included as resources in my bundle
  3. Include the fonts in my plist under Fonts provided by application-key

But the only way I can use my custom font is by setting the text to attributed. In my older projects, I have done the same procedure as above and been able to just change the font without having to put the UILabels to have attributed strings in storyboards.

Any clue on how I can manage this?


When I'm using this following code below, I'm not seeing my custom font.

for family: String in UIFont.familyNames {
    for names: String in UIFont.fontNames(forFamilyName: family) {
        print("== \(names)")
Remove the old one and drag your fonts again and check?Dharmesh Kheni
I tried it, but still the same. I started to wonder if it's a Xcode bug or something? @DharmeshKheniJacob Ahlberg
Have you tried that on fresh project?Dharmesh Kheni
Yeah, just tried it out and still the same @DharmeshKheniJacob Ahlberg
can you share demo project?Dharmesh Kheni

1 Answers


With your demo project I have only add

lbl.font = UIFont(name:"Seravek",size:15)

in viewWillAppear and it's showing fine.