
I have created and configured resources in a dev resource group in Azure. This includes storage accounts and azure apps and app insights.

Then I went ahead and extracted the arm template for the resource group and the corresponding parameter file.

I then tried to deploy the template with the modified parameter file for the new resource group but no matter what I have tried I always get this error:

} undefined
2019-02-19T10:17:59.7469744Z ##[error]BadRequest: {
  "Code": "BadRequest",
  "Message": "Too many (2) hostnames in the default DNS zone. Limit is 1.",
  "Target": null,
  "Details": [
      "Message": "Too many (2) hostnames in the default DNS zone. Limit is 1."
      "Code": "BadRequest"
      "ErrorEntity": {
        "ExtendedCode": "04017",
        "MessageTemplate": "Too many ({0}) hostnames in the default DNS zone. Limit is {1}.",
        "Parameters": [
        "Code": "BadRequest",
        "Message": "Too many (2) hostnames in the default DNS zone. Limit is 1."
  "Innererror": null
} undefined

There is one issue on github not answers and very little information on this error. Anyone knows what this could be related too?

ARM template viewable here: https://paste.ee/p/TxgvY

i suspect you have too many hostnames in the default dns zone... show your template?4c74356b41
@4c74356b41, it seems to be too big to post here. Hit a limitation with amount of text that can be sent. Any chance we can take it up in a chat?Souciance Eqdam Rashti
just upload to some paste.ee and give a link4c74356b41
why do you need hostNameBindings in the template?4c74356b41

1 Answers


Solved it by removing hostbindings, comments, and the alert parts as well.