
I have these Firestore Security Rules. I need to check if the 3 amounts "redAmount", "greenAmount" and "blackAmount" added together exceed the user's balance. If so, the update should be rejected.

function checkSums() {
    return futureDocument().redAmount +  futureDocument().blackAmount + 
    futureDocument().blackAmount <= getUserDoc().amount;

But this functions fails if one of the amounts is undefined => not set, which I want to be 0, but I can't. Any ideas on how to fix this?

This problem is not solved by referencing to the "How to validate that a field is undefined" question.

It seems the in operator is best for that. See stackoverflow.com/questions/53458413/… So something like (redAmount in futureDocument() ? futureDocument().redAmount : 0).Frank van Puffelen
Line 16: Unexpected 'futureDocument'. @FrankvanPuffelen I don't think that there is a ? operator if there is no "if" operator. I've looked all over the docs. I've been using the 'in' operator before but you have to combine it with an if.filip
Could you please not mark the question as duplicate? @Frankfilip
Hmmm.... in that case I'm not sure if the use-case is possible without having a default value for the amount in each document (so: "redAmount": 0).Frank van Puffelen
Yea at the end I also did this. @FrankvanPuffelenfilip

1 Answers


Fixed this with a really insane long workaround (instead of using functions, use or's)

return checkMinusAmount('redAmount') && checkMinusAmount('blackAmount')
                   && checkMinusAmount('greenAmount') && (
                    (futureDocument().redAmount + futureDocument().blackAmount + futureDocument().greenAmount <= getUserDoc().amount) 
                    (futureDocument().redAmount + futureDocument().blackAmount <= getUserDoc().amount  !has('greenAmount')) 
                    (futureDocument().redAmount + futureDocument().greenAmount <= getUserDoc().amount  !has('blackAmount')) 
                    (futureDocument().greenAmount + futureDocument().blackAmount <= getUserDoc().amount  !has('redAmount')) 
                    (futureDocument().greenAmount <= getUserDoc().amount  (!has('redAmount') && !has('blackAmount'))) 
                    (futureDocument().blackAmount <= getUserDoc().amount  (!has('redAmount') && !has('greenAmount'))) 
                    (futureDocument().redAmount <= getUserDoc().amount  (!has('blackAmount') && !has('greenAmount')))

I ended up not using it and just creating the document with a cloud function and not giving an user the rights to delete it.