I suggest resizing. I zoomed this page to 200% in IE, Took a screenshot, printed it to PDF and imported it into my program that uses tessnet. Tess nailed it! Unless I read the #s wrong :-)
Although confidence = 140 (under 100 is preferred if you wondered). Of course When i tried the original size, I didn't get ~; I got about 1/2 the #s right, a bunch of letters, and other garbage. Not good enough, but better.
t2 seems to like images a certain size.
My program does processing to get that to work. Suggest using .net GDI+ for converting to 32 bit, resizing with Interpolation mode High Quality Bicubic. This seems to 'fill in the gaps' a bit.
Play with sizes that work - I have found, too big, or too small, and tesseract performs differently.
Both issues are preprocessing, that's easy and you'd thing tesseract would try; however, I know how to resize and interpolate; I don't know how to OCR! So I am willing to settle.