
Need some help in writing sql query to capture number of active Orders between date range on month wise grouping. i.e if the user selected 2018-01-01 to 2019-12-31, I have to show number of active orders on a month basis i.e total 12 records.

I'm querying against Order Table whose schema looks like below

OrderID    CustomerFirstName   PurchaseDate   OrderEndDate  
1           XYZ                2018-01-01     9999-12-31
2           ABC                2018-02-02     2018-06-30
3           PQR                2018-06-01     2018-06-30
4           GHI                2018-01-01     2018-02-28

Order EndDate 9999-12-31 is never ending order.All considers has existing order in all date ranges.

From My UX, if I select Jan to Dec... Results should

JAN ==> 2 orders Feb ==> 3 Orders => Order ID are 1,2,4.

Reason for Month FEB Order ID : 1,2,4 are consider as Active orders because their end dates are falling in FEB.

For example : ORDER ID : 1 having End date has 9999-12-31 which is never ending. Always Active orders in all the date range

Order ID : 2 having End Date has 2018-06-30 so till June he should be considered has Active order for every Month

Order ID : 4 having end date has 2018-02-28 for Feb month OrderID is active Orders

Expected Output

Month NoOfOrders

Jan 2

Feb 3

Month  NoOfOrder  
Jan      2   
Feb      3     
I think you should add expected output as an table just like your sample data for clarity even if you have explained it in the textJoakim Danielson

2 Answers


Create a year-month table (inspired from this answer) and join the Order table against it

DECLARE @DateFrom datetime, @DateTo Datetime
SET @DateFrom = ' 2018-01-01'
SET @DateTo = '2018-12-31'

SELECT YearMonth, COUNT(*)
FROM (SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(4),DATEADD(MONTH, x.number, @DateFrom),120) + '-' + CONVERT(CHAR(2),DATEADD(MONTH, x.number, @DateFrom),110) As YearMonth,
             CONVERT(DATE, CONVERT(CHAR(4),DATEADD(MONTH, x.number, @DateFrom),120) + '-' + Convert(CHAR(2),DATEADD(MONTH, x.number, @DateFrom),110) + '-01', 23) fulldate
      FROM master.dbo.spt_values x
      WHERE x.type = 'P'        
        AND x.number <= DATEDIFF(MONTH, @DateFrom, @DateTo)) YearMonthTbl
LEFT JOIN  Orders o ON YEAR(fulldate) >= YEAR(purchaseDate) AND  MONTH(fulldate) >= MONTH(purchaseDate) and fulldate < = enddate
GROUP BY YearMonth

I decided to include also year in output if the input range crosses into a new year

Here is the output for completeness

2018-01 2
2018-02 3
2018-03 2
2018-04 2
2018-05 2
2018-06 3
2018-07 1
2018-08 1
2018-09 1
2018-10 1
2018-11 1
2018-12 1

First Part - Handling records with orderenddate= '9999-12-31'

You can try like following. By putting a OR condition for orderenddate = '9999-12-31' will make sure that never ending records will eppear in all the searchs if the strat date is within the boundary.

FROM   [order] 
WHERE  purchasedate >= @startdate 
       AND ( orderenddate <= @enddate 
              OR orderenddate = '9999-12-31' ) 

Second Part :

sql query to capture number of active Orders between date range on month wise grouping.

For month wise grouping you can try like following.

  ;WITH numbersequence( number ) 
     AS (SELECT 1 AS Number 
         UNION ALL 
         SELECT number + 1 
         FROM   numbersequence 
         WHERE  number < 12) 

SELECT Sum(ct) ActiveOrderCount, 
       number  AS [month] 
FROM   (SELECT number, 
                 WHEN c.number >= Month(purchasedate) 
                      AND c.number <= Month(orderenddate) THEN 1 
                 ELSE 0 
               END ct 
        FROM   @order 
               CROSS JOIN numbersequence c 
        WHERE  purchasedate >= @startdate 
               AND ( orderenddate <= @enddate 
                      OR orderenddate = '9999-12-31' )) t 
GROUP  BY number 

Online Demo


| ActiveOrderCount | Month |
| 2                | 1     |
| 3                | 2     |
| 2                | 3     |
| 2                | 4     |
| 2                | 5     |
| 3                | 6     |
| 1                | 7     |
| 1                | 8     |
| 1                | 9     |
| 1                | 10    |
| 1                | 11    |
| 1                | 12    |

Assumption : Start Date and End Date falls under same year. Otherwise you need to put year condition also.