Kubernetes allows you to define few things to make the app available.
1: Liveness probes for your Container.
2: Readiness probes for your Pod.
1- Liveness probes: They help keep your apps healthy by ensuring unhealthy containers are restarted automatically.
2: Readiness probes They help by invoking periodically and determines whether the specific Pod should receive client requests or not.
Operation of Readiness Probes
When a container is started, Kubernetes can be configured to wait for a configurable amount of time to pass before performing the first readiness check. After that, it invokes the probe periodically and acts based on the result of the readiness probe.
- If a pod reports that it’s not ready, it’s removed from the service. Just think like- The effect is the same as when the pod doesn’t match the service’s label selector at all.
- If the pod then becomes ready again, it’s re-added.
Important difference between liveness and readiness probes
1: Unlike liveness probes(i:e as mentioned above "If a pod reports that it’s not ready, it’s removed from the service"), if a container fails the readiness check, it won’t be killed or restarted.
2: Liveness probes keep pods healthy by killing off unhealthy containers and replacing them with new, healthy ones, whereas readiness probes make sure that only pods that are ready to serve requests receive them
I hope this helps you better.