
I am trying to build a Shiny app that allows the user to predict (lm) an outcome based being able to select the input feature (dataset column) from a dropdown menu.

The problem is I can't find a way to set the input variable into the prediction model which will switch between input variables based on the drop down menu.

Image 1: where SNR is used from dropdown

Image 2: where different variable (RSRP) is used

I had issues a first being able to get the slider scale (left side) and the x-axis in my plot to change based on the selection from the dropdown window, however I overcame this with use of conditionalPanel and setting the condition to the required input.indepvar Whilst this will work: predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(SNR = varInput))
This will not selectVar<-input$indepvar
predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(selectVar = varInput)) Even though printing out selectVar gives SNR as a result (I have this rendered as a test output a the end). I basically want to somehow replace the SNR value with whatever is selected from the dropdown menu (input$indepvar). The data used is from the pedestrian folder in this dataset: http://www.cs.ucc.ie/~dr11/4G_Dataset/LTE_Dataset.zip

## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {
                ui <- fluidPage(
                        titlePanel("Regression Model (Dataset: pedestrian)"),
                                        selectInput("outcome", label = h3("Outcome"),
                                                    choices = list("DL_bitrate" = "DL_bitrate",
                                                                   "UL_bitrate" = "UL_bitrate",
                                                                   "RSSI" = "RSSI",
                                                                   "SNR" = "SNR",
                                                                   "RSRP" = "RSRP",
                                                                   "CQI" = "CQI"), selected = 1),
                                        selectInput("indepvar", label = h3("Explanatory variable"),
                                                    choices = list("SNR" = "SNR",
                                                                   "RSRP" = "RSRP",
                                                                   "RSRQ" = "RSRQ",
                                                                   "CQI" = "CQI",
                                                                   "ServingCell_Distance" = "ServingCell_Distance"), selected = 1),
                                                condition = "input.indepvar == 'SNR'",
                                                            label = "SNR Range:",
                                                            min = -10, max = 30, 5)
                                                condition = "input.indepvar == 'RSRP'",
                                                sliderInput("sliderIndVar",                # Plan on updating this but was working with SNR to start with 
                                                            label = "RSRP Range:",
                                                            min = -115, max = -65, 100)
                                                condition = "input.indepvar == 'RSRQ'",
                                                sliderInput("sliderIndVar",                # Plan on updating this but was working with SNR to start with 
                                                            label = "RSRQ Range:",
                                                            min = -18, max =-8, -12)
                                                condition = "input.indepvar == 'CQI'",
                                                sliderInput("sliderIndVar",                # Plan on updating this but was working with SNR to start with 
                                                            label = "CQI Range:",
                                                            min = 0, max = 15, 8)
                                                condition = "input.indepvar == 'ServingCell_Distance'",
                                                sliderInput("sliderIndVar",                # Plan on updating this but was working with SNR to start with 
                                                            label = "Serving Cell Distance:",
                                                            min = 150, max = 75000, 1000)
                                        tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
                                                    tabPanel("Scatterplot", plotOutput("scatterplot"),
                                                             h3("Slider Value:"), 
                                                             textOutput("text"),      # This show the select input from the slider for test purpose
                                                             h3("Predicted Value:"),  # This show the resultant prediction for test purpose
                                                             textOutput("pred1"),     # Works ok for SNR - as I've hard coded SNR in server model1pred  
                                                             h3("Select variable:"),  # This show the variable selected from the drop down 
                                                             textOutput("var1")),     # I want to use this variable as input to model1pred
                                                    tabPanel("Distribution", # Plots of distributions
                                                                     column(6, plotOutput("distribution1")),
                                                                     column(6, plotOutput("distribution2")))
                                                    tabPanel("Model Summary", verbatimTextOutput("summary")), # Regression output
                                                    tabPanel("Data", DT::dataTableOutput('tbl')) # Data as datatable
                server <- function(input, output) {
                        # Regression output
                        output$summary <- renderPrint({
                                fit <- lm(pedestrian[,input$outcome] ~ pedestrian[,input$indepvar])
                                names(fit$coefficients) <- c("Intercept", input$var2)
                        # Prediction value
                        model1pred <- reactive({ 
                                varInput <- input$sliderIndVar
                                # selectVar<-input$indepvar                             # Was trying to use something like thi to replace SNR in prediction!!
                                predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(SNR = varInput))      # I want to replace SNR with which variable is selected from the 
                                # selectInput("indepvar" drop menu. 
                                #                predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(selectVar = varInput))      # This doesn't work for example 
                        # Data output
                        output$tbl = DT::renderDataTable({
                                DT::datatable(pedestrian, options = list(lengthChange = FALSE))
                        # Scatterplot output
                        output$scatterplot <- renderPlot({
                                varInput <- input$sliderIndVar                             # UPDATE HERE to be flexible with drop down menu!! 
                                plot(pedestrian[,input$indepvar], pedestrian[,input$outcome], main="Scatterplot",
                                     xlab=input$indepvar, ylab=input$outcome, pch=19)
                                abline(lm(pedestrian[,input$outcome] ~ pedestrian[,input$indepvar]), col="red")
                                lines(lowess(pedestrian[,input$indepvar],pedestrian[,input$outcome]), col="blue")
                                points(varInput, model1pred(), col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 2) 
                        }, height=400)
                        # Histogram output var 1
                        output$distribution1 <- renderPlot({
                                hist(pedestrian[,input$outcome], main="", xlab=input$outcome)
                        }, height=300, width=300)
                        # Histogram output var 2
                        output$distribution2 <- renderPlot({
                                hist(pedestrian[,input$indepvar], main="", xlab=input$indepvar)
                        }, height=300, width=300)
                        # Slider input & Prediction
                        output$text <- renderText({input$sliderIndVar}) 
                        # UPDATE HERE!!
                        output$pred1 <- renderText(model1pred())        # I want to also update the prediction based on the selection from the drop down menu
                        output$var1 <- renderText(input$indepvar)       # I can get this to update based on the 

Prediction value does not update when I select anything other than SNR.

As a result my predicted point on the chart also does not update. Everything else works (axis scales, slider scales based on the selected input variable). Any ideas would be much appreciated.


1 Answers


If I'm not mistaken, you can't use the same inputId for all the sliders. Only one of them will be available as a value. You could confirm this in a print(input$sliderIndVar) within an observer in the server to make sure.

I would suggest giving a different inputId for each slider. Like sliderIndVarRSRP, sliderIndVarSNR and so on, and then call them in the server with input[[paste0("sliderIndVar", input$indepvar)]]. This should specify which slider you are calling.

EDIT1: As for the name of the variable in the data.frame.

Since you want to define the name of the variable in the newdata as input$indepvar, I can only think of changing the name after the data.frame is created, like this:

varInput <- input$sliderIndVarWHATEVER
newdataInput <- data.frame(varInput)
colnames(newdataInput) <- input$indepvar
predict(fit, newdata = newdataInput)