
I need to test a CoFlatMapFunction that shares state. Through my reading I have come to conclusion I should use the TestHarness class per: https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/dev/stream/testing.html#testing-checkpointing-and-state-handling

Since it is not apart of the public api, I cannot figure out how to import it without copy and pasting the class itself. I thought it maybe in flink-test-utils-junit, but it was not as well.


2 Answers


You'll need to add these 3 dependencies to your project (or the versions for scala 2.12, if that's the version of scala you're using):



    <!-- with Flink 1.14+, this is flink-runtime -->

Note also that since Flink 1.14, the flink-runtime is scala-free, so with newer versions of Flink, remove the "_2.11" from the flink-runtime dependency.

The Flink training exercises include examples of tests that use harnesses, such as RidesAndFaresUnitTest.


I found David`s answer very useful but in Sbt you have to use this classifier to make it work:

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.flink" %% "flink-streaming-java" % flinkVersion % "test" classifier "tests",