Alright, so I'm going to answer this based on what you said here:
Or a better approach if there aint any support/ plugin for the same.
The way that I do it us through Prometheus, in combination with cloudwatch_exporter
, and alertmanager
The configuration for cloudwatch_exporter
to monitor SQS is going to be something like (this is only two metrics, you'll need to add more based on what you're looking to monitor):
- name: ec2_cloudwatch
default_region: us-west-2
- aws_namespace: "AWS/SQS"
aws_dimensions: [QueueName]
aws_metric_name: NumberOfMessagesReceived
aws_statistics: [Sum]
range_seconds: 600
- aws_namespace: "AWS/SQS"
aws_dimensions: [QueueName]
aws_metric_name: ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed
aws_statistics: [Sum]
You'll then need to configure prometheus to scrape the cloudwatch_exporter
endpoint at an interval, for ex what I do:
- job_name: 'somename'
scrape_timeout: 60s
- names:
- "some-endpoint"
metrics_path: /scrape
task: [ec2_cloudwatch]
region: [us-east-1]
- source_labels: [__param_task]
target_label: task
- source_labels: [__param_region]
target_label: region
You would then configure alertmanager
to alert based on those scraped metrics; I do not alert on those metrics so I cannot give you an example. But, to give you an idea how of this architecture, a diagram is below:

If you need to use something like statsd
you can use statsd_exporter
. And, just in-case you were wondering, yes Grafana supports prometheus.