I'm trying to create K8s cluster on Amazon EKS with Terraform. All the code is on github: https://github.com/amorfis/aws-eks-terraform
access_key and secret are configured for the user which has the necessary policy, as seen in README.md.
I run terraform init
, then terraform apply
and it fails with following error:
module.eks.null_resource.update_config_map_aws_auth (local-exec): error: unable to recognize "aws_auth_configmap.yaml": Unauthorized
I also checked in the modules, and it looks like it should create 2 files: aws_auth_configmap.yaml
and kube_config.yaml
, but instead I can see 2 different files created: kubeconfig_eks-cluster-created-with-tf
and config-map-aws-auth_eks-cluster-created-with-tf.yaml