i'm looking for a powershell way to disconnect a virtual machine from an OMS workspace.
I wrote a powershell script to move a VM to an other subscription. So i have to re-connect this VM from 'source workspace' to 'destination workspace'.
Just removing OMS extension show me the virtual machine as "Not connected" into Azure portal "Log Analytics workspace >Workspace Data Sources>Virtual machines".
This cmdlet should do the tricks (the doc is not really clear), but i always have the same message
remove-AzureRmOperationalInsightsDataSource -Workspace $OmsWkspceITS -Name CentosMove
Are you sure you want to remove data source 'CentosMove' in workspace 'itsoms'?
[Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Yes"): yes
WARNING: DataSource 'CentosMove' does not exist in workspace 'itsoms'.
(CentosMove is my VM name).
Our ITSOMS workspace is used for years now with hundred of VM, many solutions, NSG logflows analytics,..
Name : itsoms
ResourceGroupName : rg_its_exploit
ResourceId : /subscriptions/blablabla/resourcegroups/blabla/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/itsoms
Location : westeurope
Tags :
Sku : standalone
CustomerId : xx
PortalUrl : https://weu.mms.microsoft.com/Accou...
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
The only Datasources i can get with this cmdlet are those like this one
Get-AzureRmOperationalInsightsDataSource -WorkspaceName $OmsWkspceITS.Name -ResourceGroupName $OmsWkspceITS.ResourceGroupName -Name DataSource_LinuxSyslog_syslog
Name : DataSource_LinuxSyslog_syslog
ResourceGroupName : rg_its_exploit
WorkspaceName : itsoms
ResourceId : /subscriptions/xx/resourceGroups/rg_its_exploit/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/itsoms/datasources/DataSource_LinuxSyslog_syslog
Kind : LinuxSyslog
Properties : {"syslogName":"syslog".....}
I'm maybe not looking at the right cmdlet i think ...
Thanks for your help :)